Little Fighter 2.5  :: Creations :: Index



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What is LF2.5?

Little Fighter 2.5 is an unofficial modification of Little Fighter 2, a popular, free fighting game. Unlike most mods, LF2.5 contains little original material, but is a compilation of several other mods, including LF2 CE and Gun-LF2.


You can download LF2.5 here.


Got questions? I've started an LF2.5 discussion forum, that can be found here.


The LF2.5 readme can be found here.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Did you make LF2?
    No! I don't know why people seem to think I made LF2. LF2.5 is an unofficial modification; LF2 itself was made by Marti and Starsky Wong.
  • Where can I find LF3 characters / Mario / Electro?
    All of these characters were removed in v2.0 (except Electro, who was never added). The reason: there are only 100 slots of data allowed in LF2 for characters, powers, and weapons, and I had to remove some old characters to add new characters. Trust me: the characters I removed were all pretty bad...
  • Where can I find LF2.5 v1.25?
    I don't recommend it, but a Google search should give you some sites that still have the old version.
  • How did you make LF2.5?
    My chief tool was Jiguera's data changer. You can find it at Little Fighter Empire (see LF2 Links, below) or through a Google search.
  • How can I learn to modify LF2?
    The official LF2 forums (see LF2 Links, below) are a great place to start - just post a topic asking for Data Changing advice. There's great tutorials at Little Fighter Empire, too.

List of Combos

I understand that it can be a bit difficult to find all of the combos for all the characters (it involves looking through three different files), so for your convenience, I've created an online comprehensive list of combos! It can be found here.

LF2 Links

You Can Help!

Some ways you can help the Little Fighter 2.5 community:

  • Vote for LF2.5 at Winsite and/or write a review (hopefully positive :P).
  • Join the LF2.5 forums.
  • Donate to me. Just kidding - keep your money! Buy some candy with it.
  • Most importantly, show LF2.5 to all your friends!!! =)
(C) 2007-2011 Alex Nisnevich