Duble-Oh-Grunt is perhaps the most bizarre video game every created. Plot: As Duble-Oh-Grunt, a pig agent, a simple job search becomes a dangerous mission to destroy the evil Tootie 512. In this huge game spanning 10 worlds and played though 3 perspectives of 4 different characters, this game is a must-have for any serious RPG Maker fan. 2002-2003.
Download: 1142KB, Download
Required files: RPG Maker 2000 RTP 1.0 and RTP 1.32.
Adventures of Ulysses
Play through one of the greatest myths of all time in this fantastic RPG showing all the scenes in the Greek novel, plus a couple of things I just made up. 2003.
Download: 1142KB, Download
Required files: RPG Maker 2000 RTP 1.0 and RTP 1.32. |