
YOU HAVE THE POWER OF BLITZKREIG. With unnerving swiftness, your army can suddenly reposition itself on the battlefield.

Starting configuration for Germany

On your turn, instead of moving, you may take a group of your pieces that forms a horizontally/vertically connected chain and move the whole group of pieces anywhere on the board. The pieces within the group must be placed on unoccupied spaces and retain the same arrangement as before. You may use this ability once per game, and you gain one additional use of your ability every time a player is checkmated by anyone (however, you do not have to use your ability immediately after the checkmate).

(In the diagram at right, the red group of pieces can be moved into the position outlined in blue.)

You may not use this ability to move a pawn to a square where it would promote or to move a piece into a square where it would cause check.

First appearance: 12/5/06 (4th draft of rules).
Tags: Aggressive power  Un-Lightning-able 

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