The Norse

YOU HAVE THE POWER OF THE VALKYRIE. The valkyrie collects the bodies of the dead to fight for you another day.

Starting configuration for The Norse

The Valkyrie moves like a knight. On your turn, instead of moving normally, you can move a valkyrie anywhere on the board where it does not give check, but you may not use this ability two turns in a row. You cannot promote pawns to valkyries.

Whenever the valkyrie captures a piece put it by your side of the board. At the start of the turn, instead of moving you may put one of these pieces on the board in your 2x4 starting area, as long as your valkyrie is still on the board.

First appearance: 3rd Design Competition (nonfinalist, added to official rules by committee decision).
Creator: Cole Clark
Tags: Aggressive power  Time Bomb power 

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Adam (2008-01-28)

Side note: Are there general promotion rules? I haven't really been considering promotion for all these powers. You can generally promote to any piece you began the game with?

John (2008-01-29)

You can only promote to a piece that you begin the game with unless explicitly noted in your power. (In general this occurs with all pawn countries.) Note: This means you can promote to a king, if you wish, in which case neither kings will be royal.