Era: Classical

Ancient China

YOU HAVE THE POWER OF THE GREAT WALL. The Great Wall keeps your enemies out as long as it stands.

Starting configuration for Ancient China

You have a wall partially enclosing your 3x5 starting area as shown. Enemy pieces may not cross the wall unless they jump over it. Your queen cannot cross the wall, and if your queen is captured, the wall no longer functions.

Ancient Greece

YOU HAVE THE POWER OF CITY-STATES. Your pieces gain different advantages depending on where they are stationed.

Starting configuration for Ancient Greece

Your nonpawn pieces in your 2x4 area can move like a king instead of moving normally.

Your nonpawn pieces in your 3x5 area that are not in your 2x4 area can jump diagonally two spaces instead of moving normally.

Your nonpawn pieces in the center 2x2 area can capture a horizontally or vertically adjacent piece without moving, instead of moving normally.


YOU HAVE THE POWER OF THE SEA. You may move through the sea to anywhere on the board.

Starting configuration for Athens

Your bishops may move to any open space on the board as long as you don’t put an opponent in check by doing so. You may not use this ability two turns in a row.

Barbarian Invaders

YOU HAVE THE POWER OF FEROCITY. Your opponents are so afraid of you that they will not attack you.

Starting configuration for Barbarian Invaders

Whenever one of your pieces captures an opponent’s piece, it cannot move again until one of your pieces ends a turn within two squares of it. However, that piece cannot be captured until it moves or until three of your turns pass.


YOU HAVE THE POWER OF ELEPHANTS. These slow but powerful beasts can decimate the enemy ranks.

Starting configuration for Carthage

Elephants can move up to three squares horizontally or vertically each turn and may only be captured by pieces no more than two squares away from them.


YOU HAVE THE POWER OF BELIEF. Your people believe that you are a god and would do anything for you.

Starting configuration for Egypt

Your pieces cannot be moved or destroyed as a result of other players’ special abilities.

Your pawns can promote to any piece that was on the board at any point in the game, including special pieces. However, normal pieces with extra powers given to them do not keep these powers. (For instance, if you promote to a Papal States bishop, it still moves as a normal bishop for you.)

Your kings can jump two squares diagonally in addition to moving normally.


YOU HAVE THE POWER OF FEAR. Your soldiers can frighten the enemy into submission.

Starting configuration for Gaul

After you move, you can choose to push any number of pieces belonging to other players, provided that these players are on the same rank or file and of the same type as the piece you moved, and there are no other pieces between them. Each chosen piece is pushed two squares away from the piece you moved, stopping if another piece or obstacle (but not the edge of the board) is in its way. If a piece is pushed off the edge of the board this way, it is removed.


YOU HAVE THE POWER OF THE TROJAN HORSE. Your soldiers are hidden inside giant wooden horses, from which you can catch the enemy off guard.

Starting configuration for Mycenae

Mycenaean knights may not capture but may carry other pieces.

At the start of the game, your army is carried inside the knights. The army consists of one king, one rook, two bishops, and three pawns. Secretly write down which pieces are inside which knight.

On your turn, instead of moving, you can load or unload any number of pieces to or from a knight. Loaded or unloaded pieces must be horizontally, vertically, or diagonally adjacent to the knight. You may load another player’s pieces into a knight only with his permission, and he may only unload pieces from a knight on his turn.

Instead of moving, loading, or unloading, you may choose to "burn" a knight that has at least one piece inside it – the knight, all pieces inside it, and all pieces horizontally or vertically adjacent to it are destroyed.

If one of your knights is ever captured or if another player takes control of one of your knights, all pieces inside of it are automatically destroyed. If your king was inside it, you are automatically checkmated.


YOU HAVE THE POWER OF ESCAPE. Your king always seems to elude his captors.

Starting configuration for Persia

You do not lose the game if you do not have your king in play.

On your turn, instead of moving you may put any of your pieces that have been captured or destroyed into your 2x4 area, as long as your king is in play.

Whenever you are put in check and the only way you can get out of check is by moving your king, you must immediately remove your king from the game.

Roman Empire

YOU HAVE THE POWER OF DISCIPLINE. Your soldiers are so disciplined that they almost move in tandem.

Starting configuration for Roman Empire

On your turn, instead of moving one piece, you may choose to move two pawns.

When two or more pawns are adjacent to each other, those pawns cannot be captured from further than three squares.


YOU HAVE THE POWER OF TRAINING. One Spartan soldier will equal a hundred others.

Starting configuration for Sparta

The warrior can move as a queen and as a knight, and cannot be moved or destroyed as a result of other players’ special abilities. You may not have more than one warrior at a time.

Spartan pawns can promote to a rook, knight, bishop or warrior.

Once per game, while in check, you may move your king and warrior on the same turn.

The Huns

YOU HAVE THE POWER OF TRIBUTE. Your great reputation allows you to enrich your coffers.

Starting configuration for The Huns

On each of your turns, instead of moving a piece, you may instead choose to place an additional pawn under your control into your 3x5 starting area. However, you may not use this ability two turns in a row.

The Picts

YOU HAVE THE POWER OF BRAVERY. The Picts will stand their ground, no matter what.

Starting configuration for The Picts

Your rook can move as a rook or jump two or three squares horizontally or vertically. Your bishops can move as bishops or jump two or three squares diagonally. However, you may not use either of these abilities two turns in a row, and you may not use these abilities to cause check or to capture a king.

Your pieces cannot be moved as a result of other players’ special abilities.


YOU HAVE THE POWER OF WALLS. You can wait out the enemy behind your walls.

Starting configuration for Troy

While a piece you control is in your 4x4 area, it can only be captured by a piece no more than two squares away from it or by a knight.

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